Get in on one of the biggest giveaways you will see this season! By doing so, you are also supporting a fellow friend/author Cindy Springsteen or just paying it forward to someone in need who is battling cancer again after being in remission and having a hard time. For a (($2)) donation you will get a chance to win or for a (($5)) donation you will get 3 chances at winning this amazing giveaway that includes as of now:
Anonymous - Echo Dot from Amazon
Hailey Bozeman - Homemade Choc chip cookies
Jenny Bynum/ Lisa Morgan - Signed books and Tote bag
Andi Lawrencovna - Print books Charming, Captain and Prince and Swag
Carol Vaught - All in Organizer in Navy crosshatch
Alicia Mincey - Snowman Littles Carry All Caddy
A signed copy of Forever & Always Destiny by Cindy Springsteen, plus a bookmark and pen.
Darlene Kuncytes - Mystical Magical Love print copy and surprise swag
Melodye tess Quarles - $100 surprise box! It will have $100 worth of jewelry from East Coast Creations and Pearls.
((Other donations received will be added to list as giveaway proceeds.))
Send paypal donation to If you don't have paypal please feel free to contact me for other ways you can get in on this amazing giveaway. Names will be collected and one lucky person is going to win all these amazing gifts and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and our friend/author will also have a MERRY CHRISTMAS too! Giveaway will end at 9 pm EST on Dec 1st winner to be announced as soon as winner is selected.